ULTRA Ötillö by ZOGGS : 63.3km / D+ 2498m
Total traveled: 8.66km / Longest section: 1.01km
Total traveled: 54.73km / Longest section: 17.08km
Limited to 85 TEAMS of 2 team members
RATES BY TEAM : € 395 including 1% eco-participation paid to two associations: a solidarity and an environmental.
Be 20 years old in the year of the event.
FFTRI regulations : French Triathlon Federation.
During your registration procedure, it is necessary :
For licensees :
To inform the “FFTRI competition license number” valid on the date of the event.
For non-licensees :
To inform the “Info Health Form” AND subscribe to a “FFTRI Competition Pass” (day insurance), both present / configured directly on the registration form.

The organization offers a transport service, by reservation ONLY, before May 31 - 11:59 p.m, for runners departing from Argeles sur Mer. Book
After this date and without reservation, you will no longer be able to benefit from the transport service.
2 choices are available to you:
BEFORE the start of each race to reach the start site.
AFTER the finish line crossed to return to the departure city if you are staying there.


for NON-FINISHERS to the 11th edition !
- Having taken the start of the 2025 event.
- Report valid only on the following edition, either in 2026.
Note : * Two free deferrals cannot be combined.
- Free report of the cost of the bib (excluding options).

In practice, 3 POSSIBLE CASES :
CASE 1 : The two teammates of the pair give up.
They do not cross the finish line, they do not complete the entire course.
- Both teammates will benefit from a postponement of the bib according to the conditions above.
CASE 2 : One of the two teammates in the pair gives up.
Any abandonment of a member of the pair results in the disqualification of the pair (both members) from the race! Concerning, the team member in full possession of his means and in order not to penalize him, he will be able to continue the event (refer to the runner's guide : Abandonment).
Please note : Any runner who has completed the entire course and crossed the finish line, classified or not, will be considered a finisher and will not be able to benefit from a carryover code for the following year.
- The non-finisher team member will benefit from a postponement of the bib according to the conditions above.
- The finishing team member will not benefit from a carryover of the bib.
CASE 3 : The two teammates of the pair are outside the time limit.
The two teammates are outside the time limit in one of the four zones, set by the organization. From then on, the two teammates are disqualified, they do not complete the entire course.
- Both teammates will benefit from a postponement of the bib according to the conditions above.
ASSISTANCE POINT: 7 Rescue Stations / 20 Supplies / 1 Bag Instructions

L'ULTRA - Cerbère - Argelès sur Mer : 63.3km / D+2498m (dès 20 ans). Plus d'infos : www.swimruncotevermeille.com

L'ULTRA - Cerbère - Argelès sur Mer : 63.3km / D+2498m. 120 binômes (dès 20 ans). Plus d'infos : www.swimruncotevermeille.com


Simplify your procedures by clicking on the tab of your choice

FRIDAY JUNE 13, 2025

3:30 pm - 8:30 pm : RACE BIBS PICK UP at the Arrival Village.
Address : ESPLANADE CHARLES TRENET - Avenue des Platanes – Rond point de l'Arrivée - 66700 Argelès sur mer
Each team must present, when collecting their bib :
- Their E-ticket provided by email, by the organization, following registration.
- An “original” proof of identity of one of the team members. ONLY the National Identity Card and/or Passport are accepted.

Can ONE team member collect their team’s runner’s pocket ? YES
On presentation of the team's E-ticket or "original" proof of identity of one of the team members.
Can an outside person collect a team’s runner’s pocket ? YES
On presentation of the team's E-ticket or "original" proof of identity of one of the team members, accompanied by their handwritten consent on plain paper, signed.

> BRIEFING (not defined).
Information to come.

4:20 am - 4:50 am : Race Bibs pick up
Address : ESPLANADE CHARLES TRENET - Avenue des Platanes – Rond point de l'Arrivée - 66700 Argelès sur mer

(Optional: Before departure - subscription to registration)
5:10 am accurate : Departure of the SHUTTLE BUSES (be there 15 minutes before).
Address : ATV TRANSPORT - 1 avenue du Grau - 66700 Argelès sur mer (located 150m from the Charles Trenet esplanade).

6:15 am : Calling competitors in the STARTING ZONE
6.30 am : START OF THE ULTRA Ötillö by ZOGGS
Address : CAP CERBÈRE - Route of Spain - 66290 Cerbère (located at the foot of the solar lighthouse of Cap Cerbère).

From 6:30 pm : Awards at the ARRIVAL SITE OF THE RACE.
The first 3 scratch teams is rewarded: Men, Women and Mixed. There is no classification by category - 1 medal is awarded to each Finisher.
Runners who are absent during the prize giving ceremony will not receive their trophies and prizes later.
Address : ESPLANADE CHARLES TRENET - Avenue des Platanes – Rond point de l'Arrivée - 66700 Argelès sur mer

Important : When registering, if you wish to benefit from the ÖtillÖ Ranking on the "ULTRA Ötillö by ZOGGS", be sure to enter your Swimrun ID.
If you do not have a Swimrun ID, please complete this form : Create a Swimrun ID

(Optional: After arrival - subscription to registration)
5:30 pm OR 7:00 pm OR 8:30 pm accurate (only 1 possible choice) : Return of the SHUTTLE BUSES (be there 15 minutes before).
Address : ATV TRANSPORT - 1 avenue du Grau - 66700 Argelès sur mer (located 150m from the Charles Trenet esplanade).

(Optional : “Event cancellation insurance” option, article 14 of the regulations – subscription to registration)